

I've just made a really tough decision. We're going to cancel our 6.15am Fit In The Park and both of our Buggyfit classes tomorrow

We pride ourselves on going out in all weathers, and never cancelling a session. However, looking at the forecast (and the stunning white view from my window), the sensible decision is to cancel now, while I still have the opportunity to email you all.

Obviously, don't let me put you off from meeting up and going out for a workout. Training in the snow is great fun. Although snowball fights and building snowmen is even better...and still counts as exercise in my book!

Please do follow our Facebook page (hafitnessLtd) for the most up-to-date news on our classes.  

Stay warm and have fun!

Heather and the HA fitness Team x

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Wimbledon Buggyfit Timetable - New Classes!


Don't wait until January to join our postnatal fitness classes! We have a busy timetable with Buggyfit classes in 3 stunning Wimbledon locations.

9.30am South Park Gardens
11.00am Wimbledon Park (New class)

9.30am South Park Gardens
11.00am Wimbledon Park

11.00am Wimbledon Common (New class)

Click on the above links for details of meeting points & parking for each location. You're welcome to drop-in for £9 or buy one of our 10/20 class passes. Head over to our Buggyfit page for more info, or drop us a line.


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

South Park Gardens Tonight!

Overindulged this weekend? Feeling sluggish? Not in the mood for work today?

Get your energy back & burn some calories at our one-off post Bank Holiday workout tonight in South Park Gardens. Meet at 7.30pm in the middle of the park (near the water fountain). Everyone welcome, just bring your class passes or do pay-as-you-go (£9).

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Skip The Small Talk

Exercising with a group of like-minded people is proven to get better results than training on your own. Strength in numbers gives you a support network, friendly competition & more fun. You're also less likely to quit on a chilly day if you've got friends to meet & workout with.

Obviously you can enjoy these benefits at our Fit In The Park & Buggyfit classes (see below for the timetable), but if you're interested in something more tailored, why not try our Small Group Training sessions? Maybe you want to:

  • Conquer a 10K, marathon or triathlon
  • Build your core strength & improve your posture
  • Feel confident about your body after having a baby
  • Get ski-fit before you hit the slopes
  • Start exercising again (perhaps for first time in a long time)
  • Push yourself with HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)

Small Group Training will give you a fantastic return on your investment. It's more cost effective than one-to-one training & yet has all the benefits of a tailored workout. You get what you want, when you want it including:

  • A systematic program focused on your goals
  • Workouts specifically designed to get results in a small group setting
  • Training at a time & place that suits you
  • Email & phone support

Less Talk, More Action!

Maybe you've chatted to friends/colleagues/random acquaintances about training together, but have never got around to organising anything. Now's the time to start making it work.

Drop us a line
& let us know what you're interested in & your potential group size. We'll then put a plan together for you including costs & availability.

Need Some More Friends?

Skip the small talk & let us do a bit of match-making for you. Tell us when you want to train, where & what you'd like to do. We'll try our best to team you up with some like-minded people.

Don't think too hard about it, just get in touch with your initial thoughts & let us do the rest.

Book Now & Save!

Book & pay for one-to-one or small group training before 24th December 2013, & we'll give you 1 hour of training absolutely free! This is only available for clients who have not had personal training with us during 2013.

Find out more & make your booking. We've got limited slots available on this offer, so don't put it off.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Change is afoot...

With the new term starting, it's been a busy couple of weeks for the team. Collectively we've deserted 4 little darlings at Big School & 1 older one at Uni for the first time. So if the sessions have been extra tough recently, we're sorry for taking it out on you!

Now that we've mastered the new routine, we'd like to make a couple of adjustments to your class timetable, so get your diaries ready.

New Wednesday Evening Class In South Park Gardens, Wimbledon

Thank you for all the positive responses about our new Wednesday evening class. We'll be starting on 2nd October in South Park Gardens at 7.15pm. We'll meet near the Trinity Road entrance where there is more light.

Monday Night Class Moving To Holy Trinity School Hall, Wimbledon

Starting from the 7th October our Monday evening class will be going indoors. We'll be putting you through your paces in the Front Hall at Holy Trinity Primary School. Situated on Effra Road, the school is just 2 minutes walk from SPG.  The French windows will be open at the front of the school, which leads you straight into the hall. There's free parking on Effra road in the evening.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

It's Marathon Time Again

We wish all of our clients, friends & especially our HA fitness trainer, Claire Grima, a fantastic race on Sunday. We'll be cheering you on all the way & look forward to hearing your post-race stories next week.

Huge congratulations to our client, Mandy Brown, for running the Boston Marathon on Monday. It's really saddening that what should have been a day of triumph & festivities turned into something so horrific. Let's not allow it to change the way we enjoy & participate in big sporting events in the future.

Feeling inspired?

Running a marathon is an experience that's difficult to put into words. It's a mixture of passion, pleasure & pain. However there's something really inspiring about watching those runners pushing themselves to the limit to cross that finish line. Maybe it could be you next year?

If you're thinking about putting your name down for a race, doing a run for charity or simply want to improve your fitness levels, get in touch. We can motivate, advise & help you to achieve your goals, & have a bit of fun too!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

What do you think?

As we draw a close to an amazing 2012, we want to make sure we're ticking all of your fitness boxes for 2013.
If our class timetable has something missing, or doesn't quite do it for you, we want to know about it. We'd also love to hear about when we're getting it right too!
So whether you're one of our star pupils, occasional exercisers, or still haven't dipped your toe into the HA fitness class water yet, we'd be over the moon if you could complete our very short questionnaire by Wednesday 19th December. Just click here, it'll only take a minute to complete. You'll also be entered into a prize draw to win an HA fitness 10 class pass!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

A Healthy Mum Is A Happy Mum!


As a new mum you quickly exchange your handbag for a larger, more practical nappy changing bag, and the inventory of essentials, once a lippy and mascara, turn into nappies, wetwipes, tissues, muslins, bottom cream, blanket, toys, spare clothes, hat, snacks, bottles….etc etc.

You carry this slung over one shoulder, and your precious bundle of joy tucked under the other. You then attempt to get both into the car, often contorting your body into ridiculous positions to avoid waking the little one. Finally you heave your buggy into the boot, trying your best not to upset your husband by scratching the car paintwork, and set off on your journey, completely exhausted having had precious little sleep the night before.

It’s not surprising that most mums feel they have absolutely no time or energy for exercise. You also can’t just pop out for a quick run or sweat off a few calories in the gym whenever you feel like it. You have to consider childcare, sleep routines, nappy changes and feed times, not to mention trying to fit in a spot of manic housework before the day ends.

However this is an essential time in a mother’s life to start caring for her body. Although losing the pregnancy weight is important, training to avoid injury is also essential.

You need to develop strong shoulders and arms to not only lift, but also contain your growing and increasingly mobile offspring. You need to strengthen your back, core and pelvic floor to not only return it to its pre-pregnancy state, but also enable your body to cope with the contortionistic and weight-lifting challenges of motherhood.

Exercise is also an immense energy booster and a great way to fight the baby blues, especially if you can do it outside in the fresh air and with friends. Although not always easy, it's really important to prioritise some time each week when you can focus on yourself and looking after your body.

It doesn't matter whether your aim is to comfortably fit into your pre-pregnancy jeans again, get your body ready for your next pregnancy, avoid injury or to get that exercise feel-good factor. Enlist the support of your partner, friends and family, and make time for at least 2 to 3 workouts a week. By taking a little time out to do something for yourself, everyone around you, including your baby, will benefit from you being happier and healthier!

For postnatal exercise classes that you can do with your baby in Wimbledon (Buggyfit), see our Buggyfit page

Posted by Heather Waghorn.