personal stylist

What To Wear On Those HA fitness Sculpted Arms

GUEST BLOGGER, Anita, from Feron Clark Style, gives us her top tips on how to choose the best handbag

Handbags - Make More Than A Statement

1) Your handbags are part of your signature style, so you want them to show off your personality. A Creative personality might choose something like a Helen Rochfort bag, whereas a City Chic would prefer a neat style from a brand like Radley or Osprey.

2) Try out handbags as you do clothes, checking in a mirror whether the scale, shape and colour work for you.

3) Make sure the handbag is suitable for its purpose. You may be wowed by a great design or colour, but if you can’t get all your belongings in it, you'll end up not using it.

4) Ideally you want ones with linings in a light colour, to find your items easily. You want to make sure the light coloured lining is easy to clean too.

5) When you carry your handbag it will fall near your body, so if you have a large bust, carry your handbag at arm’s length by your leg or by your waist. If you are fuller around the waist and bottom area, avoid handbags dangling at that level, carry them higher up.

Never seem to have the right handbags or shoes? Anita is offering all HA fitness clients 20% off any of her services, so get in touch if you need some help to make the right choices in clothes, colours & accessories:

Anita Feron Clark
Feron Clark Style
07799 856544

Posted by Heather Waghorn.